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9 votes
2 answers

What does the priority of a PBS job really mean?

The qsub command which submits PBS jobs has a -p option that allows you to set the priority. From the man page: Defines the ...
David Z's user avatar
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4 answers

Prolonging PBS job

It is quite painful to discover that a few-day long job is going to be prematurely killed due to an error in setting walltime limit for it. Is there a way to change it for a running PBS job?
mbq's user avatar
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Is there a way to ensure that PBS array jobs will be run in order?

I run many PBS scripts that take advantage of the job array structure for similar jobs (e.g. 12345[0] through 12345[9]). With the way that the code is written, job [0] needs to run first, and then any ...
Quevvy's user avatar
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PBS: Using different computational resources on different nodes

I am using an HPC cluster to launch parallel simulations. At the moment, there are 48 free cores over 4 nodes but not each node do not have the same number of free cores. The distribution is something ...
Abhishek Verma's user avatar
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Exit_status=15 , what does it mean? [closed]

I have a job which stops unexpectedly with Exit_status=15. What is the most probable error ?
Tarek's user avatar
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How can I port bind an interactive transient PBS session to the head node and then port bind the head node to my local machine?

The short of it: How can I port bind an interactive transient PBS session to the head node and then port bind the head node to my local machine? So, a chain of port bind of three machines. More ...
Sudoh's user avatar
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Running a script that asks for user input from a pbs file

I am trying to run a pbs file which runs a script on a cluster. The script prompts for a user input. I wish to write this user input in my pbs file, what is a good way to do this?
user21455's user avatar