Let's suppose I'm numerically solving the Poisson equation for a delta function source:
$$ \nabla^2 f(x) = \delta(x-x') $$
I can represent the Laplacian $\nabla^2$ using the finite difference method as a tri-diagonal matrix $A$. I can represent the delta function as a vector $b$ that is $0$ everywhere except at one point where it is $\frac{1}{dx}$ (here $dx$ denotes the length of the mesh).
Thus, my resulting $Ax=b$ system of equations is very sparse -- the matrix has only $3N$ nonzero elements and the $b$ vector has only $1$ nonzero element.
Is there a numerical method that is optimized for solving $Ax=b$ for this rather specific case? I have seen some solvers that utilize the sparseness of the matrix, but I haven't found one that also utilizes the sparseness of the $b$ vector. I might be naive but I feel like a sparse $b$ vector should simplify the solving a lot.