I'm currently developing a finite element solver for academic/research purposes. Therefore I'm searching for a pre- and postprocessor in my toolchain.
For a previous project I have used gmsh as a mesher and paraview as a postprocessor, but I'm not satisfied. Gmsh works for meshing but I had my fair share of problems with it. A complete preprocessor which I could use for model generation, meshing and defining the boundary conditions would make it so much easier for me. Paraview, unfortunately, doesn't support gauss points without modifications. I would rather put work into improving my solver than modifing Paraview.
During my search for alternatives I found Salome, which is interesting but the search of a complete documentation with the specification of input and output formats yielded nothing.
Does anyone know good pre- and postprocessors to use with a custom finite element solver? I prefer freeware/open source but I'm open to commercial alternatives, which support some 'open' formats which I can save my results with.
for easily handling different file formats, as well. $\endgroup$