This is a belated follow up to my question here, because I didn't want to tack questions onto questions.
According to the Mosek documentation here, one possibility for expressing $t \leq log(det(X))$, where $X$ is a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix variable to be optimized, as a semidefinite programming constraint is to reformulate it as
$$\begin{bmatrix}X & Z\\Z^{T} & diag(Z)\end{bmatrix} \succeq 0$$ $$s.t.$$ $$\text{Z is lower triangular} $$ $$t \leq \sum _{i}log(Z_{ii}) $$
The documentation goes on to state that "the optimal value of $det(X)$ is obtained when $Z=LD$ if $X=LDL^{T}$ is the $LDL$ factorization of $X$". The obvious way (to me at least) to express this is to define a new variable $M = \begin{bmatrix}X & Z\\Z^{T} & diag(Z)\end{bmatrix}$ along with constraints that $M \succeq 0$, $X \succeq 0$, and $Z$ being lower triangular. My question is, how do you express the requirement that $Z$ be lower triangular? Would you explicitly requiring that all superdiagonal entries of $Z$ be $0$, or is there a way of implicitly expressing this constraint? At least some of my confusion stems from the statement that $Z$ should be equal to $LD$ from $X$'s $LDL$ factorization, which would be simpler to express except that $X$ is a variable to be optimized and so we don't actually know what the $LDL$ factorization would look like in advance (when constraints have to be set).
The first answer to this question seems to get at similar ideas, but still has the issue that $X$ is not known in advance, so it's unclear to me how to ensure that $LDL^{T}=X$.
The reason for asking this question is that I'm trying to figure out how the constraint matrix that actually gets used in a low level solver is formed for this sort of problem.