Suppose that $X \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$, and $X$ is positive semidefinite. For convenience, define
\langle A, B\rangle = \sum_{k, l} A_{kl}B_{kl}
for square matrices $A, B$ of equal size; this operation corresponds to the trace of the matrix product.
So your formulation currently looks like
\max \langle{C, X}\rangle \\
\mathrm{s.t.}\,\, X \succeq 0,\,\,I - X \succeq 0,
where $X \succeq 0$ means that $X$ is positive semidefinite.
Essentially, I'd create a positive semidefinite matrix of slack variables $S \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ such that $S + X = I$, and $S \succeq 0$. Let $E_{ij}$ is a matrix of consisting of all zeros except for the $(i,j)$th element, which is set to 1. Also, define the matrices
X' = \left[\begin{array}{cc}X & 0 \\ 0 & S\end{array}\right], \\
C' = \left[\begin{array}{cc}C & 0 \\ 0 & 0\end{array}\right], \\
A_{ij} = \left[\begin{array}{cc} E_{ij} & 0 \\ 0 & E_{ij}\end{array}\right].
Then, (I think,) the following reformulation works:
\max \langle{C', X'}\rangle \\
\mathrm{s.t.}\,\, X' \succeq 0,\,\,\langle A_{ij}, X' \rangle = \delta_{ij},\,\,i,j=1,\ldots,n
where $\delta_{ij}$ is the Kronecker delta symbol.