This might be a naive question, but when applying a implicit discretization to a PDE with a source term, should the source be averaged in time? For example if we take the diffusion equation with a non-linear source term,
$$ u_t = u_{xx}+s(x,t,u) $$
We can apply the following central difference implicit scheme to the differential term,
$$ \frac{u_j^{n+1} - u_j^n}{\Delta t} = \left[ (1-\theta) (u_{j-1} - 2u_{j} + u_{j+1}) + \theta (u_{j-1} - 2u_{j} + u_{j+1})\right] + s(x,t,u) $$
but how should $s(x,t,u)$ be treated? Should we simply take the value the $n$ time point (this is what I have always done in the past),
$$ s(x,t) = s_j^n $$
or averaged over time,
$$ s(x,t) = (1-\theta)s_j^{n+1} + \theta s_j^{n} $$
I am not sure it is possible to implement a time average in this way because, in general, the $n+1$ points in time are unknowns!
Is this a silly question? Or is there some way of improving the time integration of the above equation by taking averages in time?