I am trying to understand some results and would appreciate some general comments on tackling nonlinear problems.
Fisher's equation (a nonlinear reaction-diffusion PDE),
$$ u_t = du_{xx} + \beta u (1 - u) = F(u) $$
in discretised form,
$$ u_j^{\prime} = \boldsymbol{L}\boldsymbol{u} + \beta u_j (1 - u_j) = F(\boldsymbol{u}) $$
where $\boldsymbol{L}$ is the differential operator and $\boldsymbol{u}=(u_{j-1}, u_j, u_{j+1}) $ is the discretisation stencil.
I wish to apply a implicit scheme because I require stability and unrestricted time step. For this purpose I am using the $\theta$-method, (note that $\theta=1$ gives a fully implicit scheme and $\theta=0.5$ gives the trapezoidal or "Crank-Nicolson" scheme),
$$ u_{j}^{\prime} = \theta F(\boldsymbol{u}^{n+1}) + (1-\theta) F(\boldsymbol{u}^{n}) $$
However, for nonlinear problems this cannot be done because the equation cannot be written in a linear form.
To get around this problem I have been exploring two numerical approaches,
IMEX method
$$ u_j^{\prime} = \underbrace{\theta\boldsymbol{L}\boldsymbol{u^{n+1}} + (1-\theta)\boldsymbol{L}\boldsymbol{u^{n}}}_{\theta-\text{method diffusion term}} + \underbrace{\beta u_j^{n} (1 - u_j^{n})}_{\text{Fully explicit reaction term}} $$
The most obvious route is to ignore the nonlinear part of the reaction term and just update the reaction term with the best possible value, i.e. that from the previous time step. This results in the IMEX method.
Newton solver
$$ \nu^{k+1} = \nu^{k} - (I - \theta\tau A^{n})^{-1} \left( \nu^{k} - u_{n} - (1-\theta) \tau F(w^n) - \theta\tau F(w^{n+1}) \right) $$
The full $\theta$-method equation can be solved using the a Newton-Raphson iteration to find the future solution variable. Where $k$ is the iteration index ($k\geq0$) and $A^{n}$ is the Jacobian matrix of $F(w^n)$. Here I use the symbols $\nu^{k}$ for iteration variables such that they are distinguished from solution of the equation at a real time point $u^n$. This is actually a modified Newton solver because the Jacobian is not updated with every iteration.
The results above are calculated for a reasonably large time step and they show the difference between the time stepping approach and a full Newton iteration solver.
Things I don't understand:
I am surprised that the time-stepping method does "OK" but it eventually lags behind the analytical solution as time goes by. (NB if I had chosen a smaller time-step then the time-stepping approach gives results closed to the analytical model). Why does the time-stepping approach give reasonable results to a nonlinear equation?
The Newton model does much better, but starts to lead the analytical model as time goes forward. Why does the accuracy of the Newton approach decrease with time? Can accuracy be improved?
Why is there a general feature that after many iterations then numerical model and the analytical model begin to diverge? Is this just because the time step is too large or will this always happen?