I am solving a problem of the form:
$\dfrac{\partial u(x,y,t)}{\partial t} = \nabla^2 u(x,y,t) - f(x,y,t)u(x,y,t) - \kappa(x,y,t)$
At the moment, I am solving this at each time step by assuming a quasi-steady-state:
$\nabla^2 u(x,y,t) = f(x,y,t)u(x,y,t) + \kappa(x,y,t)$
To do this, I use finite differences, which means solving the following (forgetting boundary conditions for now, but for reference they are Neumann) at each time step:
$\dfrac{u^t_{i, j+1} + u^t_{i+1, j} + u^t_{i, j-1} + u^t_{i-1, j} - 4u^t_{i,j}}{h^2} = f^t_{i,j} u^t_{i,j} + \kappa^t_{i,j}$
This means I have to solve a linear system of the form:
$Ax = b$
Where $A$ is a matrix made of the laplacian, as well as the $f^t_{i,j} u^t_{i,j}$ term. For my 100x100 system (resulting in a laplacian of size 10000x10000), this takes about 0.4 seconds for each time step using Eigen's C++ library solver:SimplicialLLT. However, I would like to speed up solving by any means possible. The issue is that I am limited in the pre-conditioning that I can do since the matrix $A$ changes each time step.
Does anyone have any ideas? Finite element, spectral methods, non-steady state approximations all welcome.
Before anyone asks, the terms $f^t_{i,j}$ and $\kappa^t_{i,j}$ cannot be forecast ahead of time, as they depend on $u^{t-1}_{i,j}$. Hence parallelisation is not going to be possible I think.
n=100; A=rand(n,n); b=rand(n,1); tic; x=A\b; toc
). Are you timing just the solve or the whole code? Your matrix formation routine might be the slow part. $\endgroup$