I am attempting to model the following SDOF system with a variable spring and having a sinusoidal input, $$m\ddot{x}+(k_0+k_1)x = m(2\pi f)^2\sin(2\pi ft)$$ where $m$ is the mass, $k_0$ the original spring and $k_1 = k_0$ for $x\dot{x}>0$ and $k_1 = 0$ otherwise.
I was able to code this in Matlab, but for low frequencies, say $f=0.05$, a chattering effect would happen in the plot of $x\dot{x}$ vs. $t$. The following is my code and plots of the result for low frequencies.
f = 0.05;
t_f = 10;
tspan = [0 t_f];
z0 = [0 ; 0];
options = odeset( 'RelTol', 1e-13, 'AbsTol', 1e-13, 'Stats','on' );
[t, z] = ode23s(@(t,z) sys_13(t, z, f), tspan, z0, options);
set(gcf,'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1])
title(['Time history of $y(t)\,\,(\ddot{u}_{gx}=-(2\pi f)^2\sin(2\pi f t)) \,\, f=\, $' num2str(f) ' $ $'],'interpreter','latex','fontsize',20)
grid on
hold on
grid on
hold on
grid on
grid minor
hold on
k0 = 4;
k1 = 4;
ktot = k0+k1
k = calcKSmooth(z(:,1).*z(:,2), k0, ktot )*1e-5;
function dz = sys_13(t, z , f)
dz = zeros(2,1);
m = 1;
k0 = 4;
k1 = 4
% tol = 1e-6;
% if abs(z(1)*z(2)) > tol && z(1)*z(2) > 0
% k1 = 4;
% else
% k1 = 0;
% end
% if z(1)*z(2) > 0
% k1 = 4;
% else
% k1 = 0;
% end
ktot = k0 + k1;
k = calcKSmooth(z(1)*z(2) , k0 , ktot);
finput = ( -(2*pi*f)^2 )*sin( 2*pi*f*t );
dz(1) = z(2);
% dz(2) = - finput - ((k0 + k1)/m)*z(1);
dz(2) = - finput - (( k )/m)*z(1);
function k = calcKSmooth(xxdot, k0, ktot)
k1 = k0; k2 = ktot; c = 0;
r = 1e6;
ecr = exp(c*r);
erx = exp(r*xxdot);
k = (k1*ecr + k2*erx)./(ecr+erx);
The plot of the time history of the position and velocity are
The plot of $x\dot{x}$ vs. $t$ is
If I zoom in close to where the plot is zero I see the following behavior
I also tried applying a tolerance so to avoid the constantly switching on and off and instead the chattering occurs about the tolerance I set.
Now, I'm not sure what is causing these issues, but my best guess would be that the discontinuity in the state-space matrix $$ A=\begin{bmatrix}0&&1\\-\frac{k_0+k_1}{m}&&0\end{bmatrix}$$ when $k_1$ switches from $0$ to $k_0$ or vice versa is causing some sort of numerical errors in the solver. I was thinking about using an event location to find when $x\dot{x}$ passes through zero and start/stop the solver to avoid the discontinuity.
Thank you for any help or advice!
EDIT: Using the answer provided by Bill Greene, the chattering was removed, but the way stiffness is added to the system is gradual, yet physically the switching off or on should be more sudden, much like a step function.
The plot of $x\dot{x}$ and with $k=k_0+k_1$ superimposed is: