I am simulating Ising model for NiO. I have simulated for 2d,3d,triangular lattices, and have tried to do the same with NiO model.
There are papers which say that the ground state energy is around -36 mev per particle. Where as I am getting -21 mev per particle (should I not consider Oxygen atoms?, then it will be -42mev). Is there something wrong I am doing. Following is the code.
def initial_state_Nio(N):
state = np.random.choice([-1, 1], (N, N))
state[::2, ::2] = 0
state[1::2, 1::2] = 0
return state
def diag_nbrs(i,j,N):
return [((i+1)%N,(j+1)%N),((i+1)%N,(j-1)%N),((i-1)%N,(j+1)%N),((i-1)%N,(j-1)%N)]
def lat_nbrs(i,j,N):
return [(i,(j+2)%N),(i,(j-2)%N),((i+2)%N, j),((i-2)%N, j)]
def Energy_Nio(state, J1, J2, H):
J1 = 2.3*10**(-3) #diagonal
J2 = -21*10**(-3) #lateral coupling
E = 0
N = state.shape[0]
for x in range(N):
for y in range(N):
if (x-y)%2:
nbrs = diag_nbrs(x,y,N)
for nbr in nbrs:
E += -state[x,y]*J1*state[nbr[0],nbr[1]]
nbrs = lat_nbrs(x,y,N)
for nbr in nbrs:
E += -state[x,y]*J2*state[nbr[0],nbr[1]]
E -= H*state.sum()
return E
def calcMag(state):
return np.sum(state)
def step_update_Nio(state, beta, J1, J2,H,energy,mag,N):
J1 = 2.3*10**(-3) #diagonal
J2 = -21*10**(-3) #lateral coupling
for i in range(N**2): #1 step per state on average
dE = 0
x = random.randint(0,N-1)
y = random.randint(0,N-1)
if (x-y)%2:
nbrs = diag_nbrs(x,y,N)
for nbr in nbrs:
dE += 2*state[x,y]*J1*state[nbr[0],nbr[1]]
nbrs = lat_nbrs(x,y,N)
for nbr in nbrs:
dE += 2*state[x,y]*J2*state[nbr[0],nbr[1]]
dE += 2*H*state[x,y]
if (dE <= 0):
if state[x,y] == 1:
energy += dE
state[x, y] *= -1
r = random.uniform(0,1)
tau = np.exp(-dE*beta)
if (r < tau) :
if state[x,y] == 1:
energy += dE
state[x, y] *= -1
return state,energy,mag
def run_Nio(state, steps, N, beta, J1, J2,H):
J1 = 2.3*10**(-3)
J2 = -21*10**(-3)
E = np.zeros(steps)
M = np.zeros(steps)
energy = Energy_Nio(state, J1, J2,H)
mag = calcMag(state)
for i in range(steps):
state,energy,mag = step_update_Nio(state, beta, J1, J2,H,energy,mag,N)
E[i] = energy
M[i]= mag
return state,E,M
Also, if you can comment on magnetisation, capacity heat, magnetic susceptibility, that will be helpful too