
I am a newbie in CFD and single/multiphase flow and transport in general. As part of my quest to learn, I am trying to model solute transport around a solid object in the center of a 2D domain. The governing equation is the advection-diffusion equation, given as:

enter image description here

where C is the concentration, v is the flow velocity, D is the diffusion coefficient. At a constant flow velocity, the above reduces to:

enter image description here

This is my code so far:

clc; clear; close all;
%%%%%%%%%% Specify inputs
CircleDiam = 40;        %in pixels
Co    = 0;          %initial conc. in the domain [mol/L]
Cin   = 0.01;       %conc. of injected fluid [mol/L]

Lx    = 0.1/100;        %Length of domain [m]
nx    = 200;        %spatial gridpoints in x
dx    = Lx/(nx-1);      %Length step size [m]
Ly    = 0.05/100;       %Width of domain [m]
ny    = 100;        %spatial gridpoints in y
dy    = Ly/(ny-1);      %Length step size [m]
T     = 5/(3600*24);    %Simulation time [days]
nt    = 8000;           %shifts
dt    = T/nt;       %Time step [days] 
% Flow 
u = 103.68;         %Velocity in x direction [m/day] 
v = 0;              %Velocity in y direction [m/day] 
De = 8.64e-04;      %Dispersion coeff. [m2/day]  
betaX  = u*dt/dx;   
betaY  = v*dt/dy;   
gammaX = De*dt/(dx^2);
gammaY = De*dt/(dy^2);
%%%%%%%%%% Create image with solid object
radius  = CircleDiam/2;
% obtain full output grids from grid vectors
[Colgrids, Rowgrids] = meshgrid(1:nx, 1:ny);
% create a logical mask for the circle by specifying the center and diameter of the circle.
centerX = 0.5 + (nx/2);
centerY = 0.5 + (ny/2);

% obtain image from: ( (y-y0)^2 + (x-x0)^2 )  <= r^2, where (y0,x0) is the centre point of circle
SolidImg = (Rowgrids - centerY).^2 + (Colgrids - centerX).^2 <= radius.^2;
% change from logical to numeric labels. Also, transpose matrix to conform with the conc. matrix
P   = double(SolidImg');
%figure, imshow(~SolidImg, [], 'InitialMagnification','fit'); box on;

% Gridblocks
x = 0:dx:Lx;
y = 0:dy:Ly;
t = 0:dt:T;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
%specify initial conditions
C        = zeros(nx, ny, nt+1);  
C(:,:,1) =  Co;              %Initial condition 
%iterate finite difference equations
for k = 1:nt
    for j = 2:ny-1
        for i = 2:nx-1
            if P(i,j)==1    %Solid pixels
                %C(i,j,k+1) = C(i,j,k);
                C(i,j,k+1) = 0;
                C(i,j,k+1) = C(i-1,j,k)*(betaX/2+gammaX) + C(i+1,j,k)*(gammaX-betaX/2)...
                    + C(i,j-1,k)*(betaY/2+gammaY) + C(i,j+1,k)*(gammaY-betaY/2)...
                    + C(i,j,k)*(1-2*gammaX-2*gammaY);
    % Insert boundary conditions
    C(:,1,k+1) = C(:,2,k+1);        % bottom bc
    C(:,end,k+1) = C(:,end-1,k+1);  % top bc
    C(1,:,k+1) = Cin;           % left bc
    C(end,:,k+1) = C(end-1,:,k+1);  % right bc    
%     C_all = squeeze(C(:,:,k));
%     pcolor(C_all'); shading interp; colorbar; colormap(jet); hc = colorbar;
%     ylabel(hc,'Concentration [mol/L]'); 
%     caxis([0 max(max(max(C)))])
%     title( sprintf('Time = %f seconds', k) )
%     pause(0.001); 


enter image description here

enter image description here

My result (see the first image) does not look like what I would expect. Ideally, I expect to see something like the above (second) image, and so I am wondering where I might be getting it wrong. I have assumed that both velocity and diffusion coefficient are zero at the solid boundary. Is there an additional boundary condition to be implemented at the solid boundary?

I would very much appreciate if someone can help me out here or point me in the right direction.


  1. The axes are the same in both image. The difference is that mine is in pixels while the other is in cm.

Thank you in anticipation.


  1. Previously, I had velocity in x = velocity in y. This is wrong because the flow is supposed to be coming from one edge only. I have now corrected this to be velocity in x = +103.68 m/day, and velocity in y = 0.
  2. Previously, the boundary condition at the bottom edge was C(:,2,k+1) = C(:,1,k+1);. It should have been C(:,1,k+1) = C(:,2,k+1);.
  3. The above changes means that I now have a much closer solution (see first image) to the problem than my previous version.


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