I am trying to numerically solve the advection equation $y_t + y_x = 0$ using a the "classical" Runge-Kutta 4 explicit timestepping method, along with a left-hand finite difference approximation for the x-derivative, in MATLAB.
$\frac{d}{dt}y(t_i,x_j)= -\frac{y(t_i,x_j) - y(t_i,x_{j-1})}{dx} = f_j(\vec{y})$, for $j=2,3,...,N$ and
$\vec{y_{n+1}} = \vec{y_n} + \frac{1}{6}dt(k_1 + 2k_2 + 2k_3 + k4),$
$t_{n+1} = t_n + dt$ for $n=0,1,2,...$ using
$k_1 = f(\vec{y_n}),$
$k_2 = f(\vec{y_n} + \frac{1}{2}dt *k_1),$
$k_3 = f(\vec{y_n} + \frac{1}{2}dt*k_2),$
$k_4 = f(\vec{y_n} + dt * k3)$, where
$f(\vec{y_n}) = (f_1(\vec{y_n}), f_2(\vec{y_n}),...,f_N(\vec{y_n}))$.
For this problem, I am looking at the initial condition:
$y(0,x) = e^{-10(x-0.25)^2}$, which has the analytic solution $y(t,x) = e^{-10(x-t-0.25)^2}$.
And I am just using the analytic solution as the boundary condition at $x=0$. The solution 'looks like' a right-travelling wave.
The issue I am having is that my scheme seems to provide a solution which has some (seemingly) large amplitude decay, ie as time goes on, the amplitude of the wave diminishes. I am wondering if there is a bug in my code (which I cannot seem to find...) or if there is something about the initial condition/PDE/RK4 scheme, or the $dt$ and $dx$ values chosen that I am missing which makes it unsuitable for this type of problem.
Apologies if there is any information missing, I am just starting my first course in Numerical Analysis and a lot of this is new to me. I can add info in with an Edit if so.
My MATLAB code (putting everything into one script):
% Define boundaries and boundary condition functions for the problem
f = 'scenario2FunctionIC'; % y(0,x) = exp(-10*(x-0.25)^2)
g = 'scenario2FunctionBC'; % y(t,0) = exp(-10*(-c*t-0.25)^2)
a = 5; % x in [0,a]
b = 2; % time in [0,b]
N = 80; % number of grid nodes in the x-direction
M = 160; % number of grid nodes in the t-direction
c = 1;
[Y] = RK4(f, g, a, b, c, N, M);
% trueSoln will contain the values of the analytic solution, for comparison
% against the numerical solution
trueSoln = zeros(M,N);
dx = a/(N-1);
dt = b/(M-1);
for i = 1:M
for j = 1:N
trueSoln(i,j) = exp(-10*((j-1)*dx - c*(i-1)*dt - 0.25)^2);
colors_an = zeros(M, N, 3); % make analytic solution graph black
for i=1:M
for j=1:N
colors_an(i,j,1) = 0.25;
colors_an(i,j,2) = 0.25;
colors_an(i,j,3) = 0.25;
x = [0:dx:a];
t = [0:dt:b];
surf(x, t, trueSoln, colors_an, 'FaceAlpha', 0.8);
hold on
function Y = RK4(f, g, a, b, c, N, M, option)
% This subroutine solves the 1-way wave equation (1st order) given by
% y_t(t, x) + c * y_x(t,x) = 0, on 0<=x<=a, 0<=t<=b
% with IC y(0,x)=f(x) and BC y(t,0)=g(t),
% using a Runge-Kutta 4 explicit timestepping scheme.
% Input - f=y(0,x) as a string ’f’
% - g=y(t,0) as a string 'g'
% - a and b are the right endpoints of [0,a] and [0,b]
% - c is the constant in the wave equation
% - N and M number of grid points over [0,a] and [0,b]
% Output - Y is the solution matrix
% Initialize parameters
dx = a / (N-1);
dt = b / (M-1);
Y = zeros(M, N);
% Compute first row of Y (ie values of y(t,x) at t=0)
for j = 1:N
Y(1,j) = feval(f, dx*(j-1)); % Using initial condition y(0, x) = f(x)
% Compute first column of Y (ie values of y(t,x) at x=0)
for i = 2:M
Y(i,1) = feval(g, dt*(i-1), c);
F = 'computeLeftDerivative';
y_i = zeros(1,N); % current row of y(t*,x) for each time t*
for i = 1 : M-1
y_i = Y(i,:);
k1 = feval(F, y_i, dx/(-c));
k2 = feval(F, y_i + 0.5 * dt * k1, dx/(-c));
k3 = feval(F, y_i + 0.5 * dt * k2, dx/(-c));
k4 = feval(F, y_i + dt * k3, dx/(-c));
nextStep = y_i + dt/6 * (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4);
Y(i+1,2:N) = nextStep(2:N); % keep LHS boundary condition
function Y = computeLeftDerivative(V, delta)
% Given a 1xN row vector V, returns a 1xN vector of left-hand finite
% difference approximations to the first derivative, Y (where possible).
% At left-hand side, uses a right-hand difference.
N = size(V,2);
centrediag = [-1 ones(1,N-1)];
lowerdiag = -ones(1,N-1);
upperdiag = [1 zeros(1,N-2)];
A = zeros(N,N);
A = diag(centrediag) + diag(lowerdiag,-1) + diag(upperdiag,1);
A = A/delta;
Y = V * A';
function y = scenario2FunctionIC(x)
% Custom function for Scenario 2 of the solve1WayWaveEqn script.
y = exp(-10*(x-0.25)^2);
function y = scenario2FunctionBC(t, c)
% Custom function for Scenario 2 of the solve1WayWaveEqn script.
y = exp(-10*(-c*t-0.25)^2);
And finally what the output looks like (analytic solution is coloured black and is slightly transparent for comparison):