I am trying to solve the following optimization problem: \begin{align} &\min\limits_{s} \rm{tr}\left(S^T S\right) + \mathrm{tr}\left(\left(S^T S\right)^{-2}\right)\\ &\text{subject to }\rm\left\|S^TS-Z^TZ\right\|_{norm}\leq \epsilon\end{align} Where $\rm \|\cdot\|_{norm}$ could be either the Frobenius norm or the $\ell_1$-norm.
That is, $\rm S^TS$ belongs to the ball with radius $\epsilon$ and center $\rm Z^TZ$. Actually, I want to solve my problem with $\rm Q = S^TS$ which is a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix, thus, a convex problem to solve but I couldn't find another way to impose that property on my solution.
So I have tried first with minFunc
toolbox by using the lagrange expression, and the Frobenius norm for the constraint $\rm \|\cdot\|_{norm}$ i.e.,
$$\min\limits_{s} \rm \mathrm{tr}\left(S^T S\right) + \mathrm{tr}\left(\left(S^T S\right)^{-2}\right) + \lambda\cdot\mathrm{tr}\left(\left(S^T S - Z^TZ\right)\left(S^T S - Z^TZ\right)^T\right)$$
But it stops after few iterations with a very high error about $10^{2}$ for a small $S\in\mathrm{R}^{10\times10}$.
Here is my code:
options.Method = 'cg';%'lbfgs';
options.maxIter = 100000000;
options.MaxFunEvals = 20000000000000;
lambda = 0.001;
x0 = rand(100,1);
Z = rand(15,10);
funObj = @(x)myfunc(x, lambda, Z);
[sol, f_val] = minFunc(funObj,x0,options);
function [f,g] = myfunc(x, lambda, Z)
s = reshape(x, [sqrt(numel(x)),sqrt(numel(x))]);
f = trace(s'*s) + trace(inv(s'*s)^2) + lambda* trace((s'*s - Z'*Z)*(s'*s - Z'*Z)');
g = 2*s -4*s*(inv(s'*s))^3 + lambda*(2*s*s'*s + 2*s'*s*s -2*s*Z'*Z -2*Z'*Z*s);
g = g(:);
I have tried also with minConf_PQN
using the $\ell_1$-norm constraint but returns this error:
close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = NaN
And here is the code that I have used:
funObj = @(x)myfunc(x);
Z = rand(15,10);
S0 = load('S_true.mat')
tau = sum(abs(L(:))); %true tau
r = reshape(Z'*Z, [size(Z,2)^2,1]);
funProj = @(w)sign(w).*projectRandom2C(abs(w'w-r),tau);
sol = minConf_PQN(funObj,x0,funProj,options);
function [f,g] = myfunc(x)
s = reshape(x, [sqrt(numel(x)),sqrt(numel(x))]);
f = trace(s'*s) + trace(inv(s'*s)^2);
g = 2*s -4*s*(inv(s'*s))^3;
g = g(:);
Any help solving my problem would be really appreciated.