I am trying to solve numerically the flow of a gas through a porous, spherically symmetric body. The non-dimensional equations read:
\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial t}+\tau\frac{1}{r^2}\frac{\partial}{\partial r}\left(r^2\rho v\right)=g_P\\
v=-\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial r}\\
where $\rho$ is the gas density, $t$ time, $r$ radius (between $0$ and outer radius $R_p$), $v$ gas (radial) velocity, $g_P$ gas production rate, and $\tau$ a non-dimensional parameter accounting for permeability among other things (actually all quantities are non-dimensional). Essentially, the first equation is the conservation of mass and the second is Darcy flow. There is also a perfect gas law hidden in the second equation. Anyway, physics is not the point here. The boundary conditions:
\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial r}(r=0)=0\\
In order to solve this non-linear system, I use a Picard iteration where the second equation is solved for $v$ using finite difference, the first equation is then solved for $\rho$ also by finite difference using the calculated $v$ and an explicit time-stepping (checking for CFL condition). The process is then iterated until $\rho$ has converged, and time is then incremented.
It seems pretty straightforward, yet when it comes to running the code, oscillation rapidly appear, propagating from the outer boundary, where a pressure (i.e. density in the non-dimensional form) gradient builds up, as you can see on the figure below:
$rho$ profile at $t=1$ for $\tau=0.1$, $\rho_\infty=0.1$, a time step of 1e-5 and a radial resolution of 100 grid points" />
I had the same issue with an implicit time-stepping, so I thought I'd stick to the simple version. The amplitude of the oscillations is not sensitive to the timestep, and shows little sensitivity to the radial resolution. I am using first order central FD for both equations. I thought it might be an accuracy issue and went for second order central FD for the first equation, which to some extent helped, but not enough. Also, I am not sure about how to go about implementing a second order scheme given my set of boundary conditions; what I did is switch from a central scheme to a forward/backward one when getting to the boundaries, but is doesn't feel very neat.
I can elaborate on the model if needed, I just didn't think it was required, please let me know if I should. What I need is a diagnostic really, because so far I have been trying different ways without much success! The code is provided below.
Thank you for the help!
r[non-dim] = r[m]/R_out
rho[non-dim] = rho[kg/m³]/(deltaP/R/Tref)
p[non-dim] = p[Pa]/deltaP
v[non-dim] = v[m/s]
gP[non-dim] = gP[kg/m³/s]/g0
t[non-dim] = t[s]/tau_g
tau_g = R/M*T*deltaP/g0
tau_p = viscosity/permeability*R_out^2/deltaP
The physical parameter is tau_g/tau_p,
which quantifies the gas production
time-scale compared to the pressure
gradient-driven outgassing time-scale.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import copy
# Parameter
tau_g_tau_p = 0.1
P_out = 0.1 # aka rho_infinite
# All quantities are non-dimensional
N = 100 # resolution
r = np.linspace(0,1,N) # radii
dr = 1/(N-1) # radius step
rho = np.ones(N)*P_out # density
p = np.ones(N)*P_out # pressure
gP = 1. # gas production rate
t_max = 1 # final time
dt = 1e-5 # time-step
t = 0. # initial time
while t<t_max:
rho_prev = rho
res = 1
tol = 1e-5
while res > tol:
##### Picard iteration #####
##### Solve Darcy Equation #####
# calculate p on the staggered grid
p_stag = (p[:-1]+p[1:])/2 # pressure on the staggered grid
# compute Darcy flux CFD from staggered p
v = np.zeros(N) # initialize Darcy flux vector
v[0] = 0 # center BC
v[1:-1] = -(p_stag[1:]-p_stag[:-1])/dr # central finite-difference
v[-1] = -(P_out-p_stag[-1])/(dr/2) # outer BC
# CFL check
if max(v)*dt>dr:
raise Warning('Courant criterion not respected')
##### Solve Mass Conservation Equation ######
rho_new = rho
rho_new[1:-1] += gP*dt - tau_g_tau_p*dt/r[1:-1]**2*(r[2:]**2*rho_prev[2:]*v[2:]-r[:-2]**2*rho_prev[:-2]*v[:-2]) # central finite-difference
# boundary conditions
rho_new[0] = rho_new[1] # center BC
rho_new[-1] = P_out # outer BC
##### Perfect gas law #####
p = rho_new # non-dimensonal rho and p are the same
# calculate residuals
res = np.linalg.norm(rho-rho_new)
rho = rho_new
t += dt # time increment
# Plot final state
plt.xlabel('r [non-dim]')
plt.ylabel('rho [non-dim]')