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5 votes

How can one prove the duality of Voronoi and Delaunay?

The duality between Voronoi cells and vertices of the triangulation is pretty clear: each vertex of the Delaunay triangulation is a site in the Voronoi diagram which gets associated with its Voronoi ...
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3 votes

Computing a power diagram

From wikipedia: in the power diagram, we may view each circle center as a site, and each circle's squared radius as a weight that is subtracted from the squared Euclidean distance before comparing it ...
lightxbulb's user avatar
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2 votes

Polynomial reconstruction on unstructured grids

You could use a Least Square fit approach to fit some polynomial via neighboring nodes. You could even make the Least Square fit weighted based on distances (potentially passed through something ...
spektr's user avatar
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Elliptic PDE finite volume method with Dirichlet boundary condition

In a cell centered finite volume setting your are discretising the fluxes over your cell boundary as you indicated. Lets say we look at one face between the cubes A and B, the calculated flux would be:...
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Polynomial reconstruction on unstructured grids

It is not polynomial, but you may be interested in the Natural Neighbors interpolation (it fits well with Voronoi diagram). To evaluate the interpolant at a given point, insert the point into the ...
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