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David Ketcheson's user avatar
David Ketcheson
  • Member for 13 years
  • Last seen this week
5 votes

Applying the method of lines to parabolic PDEs: references and software

5 votes

How to set up a shock tube problem such that the solution includes a shock with a specified Mach number

5 votes

Solve a fourth order differential equation

5 votes

Python, numpy and complex functions (PDE's)

5 votes

Looking for references on this adaptive Runge–Kutta method (GSL’s rk2)

5 votes

method of frozen coefficients and its relation to von Neumann stability analysis

5 votes

Fourth order IMEX Runge-Kutta method

5 votes

Understanding and implementing the Fast Fourier Transform

5 votes

What is the preferred method for evolving the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation?

5 votes

CFL condition for variable coefficients

5 votes

Fixed-step ODE solver with variable order?

5 votes

How can I derive a bound on the spurious oscillations in the numerical solution of the 1D advection equation?

5 votes

On Finding Open Source Projects To Contribute To

5 votes

Scalability of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

5 votes

Coupling FEM DG methods to Riemann solvers

5 votes

Enumerating hexahedral cell vertices and faces in arbitrary dimension

5 votes

Is there a good tutorial or textbook-like source on implementing ENO/WENO with limiters in one (and more than one) dimension?

5 votes

Stability of numerical method for 1D Burger's equation

5 votes

Demonstrating that the time step size is small enough in a code with automatic step size selection

5 votes

Time integration of wave equation

5 votes

Why not use the convolution theorem for explicit timestepping?

5 votes

Coupling simulations with different time-steps

5 votes

Adaptive Timestepping for Stong Stability Preserving (SSP) Runge-Kutta Methods

4 votes

Monotonicity of Errors with Respect to Step Sizes in Numerical Methods for PDEs

4 votes

Shallow water equations (SWE): well-posed initial data for single travelling pulse

4 votes

Geometric integrators besides midpoint/Crank-Nicolson?

4 votes

Parareal for particle simulations

4 votes

How well do explicit Runge-Kutta "tableau" methods compare to the state of the art ODE solvers and when do they fail?

4 votes

How can I numericaly solve a convection-diffusion equation with a large diffusion term?

4 votes

Trotter expansions in ode solver?

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