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How to export a model (from e.g., Blender) to a finite difference grid?

Hoping we can get some help on this. We want to do electromagnetic simulations and need a regular finite difference mesh to do so. We want to be able to export a model (from e.g., Blender) to a finite ...
Laura Leal's user avatar
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FDTD boundary condition that replicates an infinitely thin mirror

I'm currently running a 1-D FDTD simulation where I want to model a dielectric mirror (with an anti-reflection coating on one side but let's keep it simple for now). For my purposes, the mirror can be ...
Jerry Y's user avatar
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Finite difference solver for the 2D Poisson's equation with an integral boundary condition

I wanted to attempt an implementation of a finite-difference-based solver for the 2D elctrostatic Poisson equation when metallic objects are present. Also, I hope to take as input, the location of ...
Siddharth Ambekar's user avatar
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Results blow up when number of intervals is increases (Yee algorithm FDTD, dielectric sphere)

I have been trying to write a program that analyses EM wave scattering by a dielectric sphere for a project. The reference is Sadiku's book Numerical Methods in electromagnetics Edition 3. Now the ...
Hridey's user avatar
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Finite difference methods in cylindrical and spherical co-ordinate systems

I am quite familiar with finite difference schemes in cartesian coordinates. The key point here is that every point in the cartesian grid is treated equally as the spacing between consecutive points ...
Babaji's user avatar
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Kronecker product representation of the finite difference laplacian

The laplacian equation when discretized gives a system of linear equations that can then be solved. See the answer to this question:
Babaji's user avatar
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Spectral solver on em-pic

I'm recently studying for the spectral solver to implement EM-PIC code. I read an article and have some questions. Many PIC codes uses spectral solver to overcome numerical artifacts on FDTD. In the ...
asdgaaa1123's user avatar
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Finite difference time domain and dynamic permittivity

Since the permittivity of any material is usually complex function of temperature, frequency, density, etc. I was wondering if it is possible to use a dynamic permittivity which changes as a function ...
OD IUM's user avatar
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How can I solve the wave equation for a circular rod in cylindrical coordinates using finite differences?

I have a problem with the stability of finite difference method for the wave equation in cylindrical coordinates. the equation is: $$ \frac{\partial^2 \omega_n}{\partial r^2}+\frac{1}{r}\frac{\...
alireza's user avatar
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Combine Hydrodynamics and Electromagnetics

Is it possible, in general, to combine hydrodynamical motion and expansion of material with, say, a finite difference time domain method to simulate light-matter interaction? If so, how is this done ...
OD IUM's user avatar
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Numerical scheme to solve Maxwell equations with fixed potential boundaries?

We have a 2D electromagnetic field (in the sense that: $E=(E_x,E_y,0)$, $B=(0,0,B_z)$, and all derivatives with respect to $z$ are $0$), and we are considering a system made up of two walls at $x=-b$ ...
Ben Stokes's user avatar
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How to force potential boundary conditions in the Yee scheme for solving Maxwell's equations?

Assume that we have a 2D electromagnetic field (in the sense that: $E=(E_x,E_y,0)$, $B=(0,0,B_z)$, and all derivatives with respect to $z$ are $0$), and that we are considering a system made up of two ...
Ben Stokes's user avatar
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Suitable method for simulation of in-fiber interferometer

I am trying to simulate an optic-fiber sensor (in-fiber interferometer) to study its respond to temperature. The method I am using is finite-difference time-domain (FDTD), and I come out with a large ...
Wesley's user avatar
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Representing a 3D system in 2D (Electromagnetic modelling)

Ok so I'm a complete beginner in computational modelling (I use analytical methods of physics typically) but I would like to model an anisotropic, aperiodic (but not random) finite array of metallic ...
Tom's user avatar
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I need to scale variables to solve a 2D PDE. What are the physical considerations of scaling?

I am solving a boundary value problem in 2D via an implicit finite difference scheme. Unfortunately, although the problem is well-posed and should have a unique solution, the condition number of the ...
jvriesem's user avatar
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How to solve a Poisson equation using the finite difference method when there is an object inside a domain?

I'm interested in solving an electrostatics problem in 2d case in some domain with a conductor placed inside the domain. From a mathematical point of view, I have to solve a Poisson equation with ...
JustWritingMyName's user avatar
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Effective "thickness" of finite-difference material elements

I have a 3D finite-difference formulation (for time-harmonic Maxwell using a standard Yee cell grid.) A "perfect electrical conductor" condition can be implemented by enforcing the desired electric ...
Costis's user avatar
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Defining electric current source excitations for surface integral equation formulations

In a finite difference (FD) based electromagnetic formulation based on a Yee cell grid, one can define electric current source excitations ($J$) on the $E$ field grid points. At a distance, the fields ...
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