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Fortran - Lid-Driven Cavity Boundary Conditions Error when using SIMPLE method

I am studying Numerical Methods for incompressible flows. part of the tasks is to model the lid driven cavity problem in 2D using the SIMPLE method. I have been provided with Fortran code that is ...
Xray25's user avatar
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Differential equation for radioactive cooling in fortran

Today I'm trying to evaluate this differential equation for internal energy in a gas in Fortran: $$ \frac{du}{dt} = - \frac{n_H^2}{\rho}\frac{\Lambda}{n_H^2} $$ Where nH is the density of hydrogen in ...
Marco Leonardi's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

What is the difference between MATLAB and FORTRAN?

In our university some Ph.D students for computational methods prefer FORTRAN over MATLAB. I can't understand why? What is the difference between them when are used in computational methods like ...
MohammadSh's user avatar
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Algorithm for face based data-structure - CFD

Good morning I'm trying to develop an unstructured CFD code to solve Euler equations in a finite-volume (cell-centered) context (learning purposes). I was able to build from a cgns file some basic ...
LM_O's user avatar
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computing turbulent energy spectrum from isotropic turbulence flow field in a box

I have my 3 dimensional velocity flow-field u, v and w at a given instant of time from DNS using pseudo-spectral method. I need to calculate the energy spectrum ( in Fourier space ) as a function of ...
user4557934's user avatar
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Molecular dynamics: Lennard-Jones forces in 2D system

As I am new to all these stuff I would like to verify whether my procedure is correct. I need to calculate the Lennard-Jones potential, potential energy of the system and the forces. The procedure ...
Beginner in fort's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

CFD absractions in Modern Fortran

I'm a novice in object-oriented programming, but this design technique seems very interesting for me. I have a Fortran 90 CFD package , not very complex, but it is already very hard to maintain and to ...
Yakovenko Ivan's user avatar
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MPI_ERR_TRUNCATE appears for no understandable reason

I am developing some parallel CFD code using Fortran 90 and OpenMPI. The processes are structured into two groups such that half perform a certain type of calculations (let's say Velocity, Pressure ...
Salim's user avatar
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Lid driven cavity flow problem to solve with the help of projection method and use coding in fortran 90 [closed]

I want to solve Lid driven cavity flow with the help of projection method i want to make own fortran program to solve two dimensional unsteady flow. I propose to solve the equations in the following ...
sajjad ur's user avatar
4 votes
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Effecient CFD programming techniques

I'm trying to make highly efficient CFD programming complex for solving combustion problems. I've finished writing core which realises mathematical model, and now I'm concerned about code performance. ...
Yakovenko Ivan's user avatar