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David Ketcheson's user avatar
David Ketcheson
  • Member for 13 years
  • Last seen this week
51 votes

Is it common not to use libraries for standard numerical algorithms, and why?

32 votes

Why is local conservation important when solving PDEs?

31 votes

How can I numerically differentiate an unevenly sampled function?

30 votes

Strange oscillation when solving the advection equation by finite-difference with fully closed Neumann boundary conditions (reflection at boundaries)

26 votes

What are criteria to choose between finite-differences and finite-elements

24 votes

Is it possible to use Octave to learn MATLAB programming?

22 votes

Puzzling remark about stability region of fifth-order Runge-Kutta method

22 votes

Why are higher-order Runge–Kutta methods not used more often?

16 votes

Constructing explicit Runge Kutta methods of order 9 and higher

15 votes

Implicit finite difference schemes for advection equation

15 votes

State of the Mac OS in Scientific Computing and HPC

15 votes

How to determine if a numerical solution to a PDE is converging to a continuum solution?

15 votes

Is Crank-Nicolson a stable discretization scheme for Reaction-Diffusion-Advection (convection) equation?

14 votes

How can the gravitational n-body problem be solved in parallel?

14 votes

Which methods can ensure that physical quantities remain positive throughout a PDE simulation?

12 votes

How should I study creating and programming HPC systems?

12 votes

Solving a least squares problem with linear constraints in Python

12 votes

What is "good" parallel scaling?

12 votes

Are there tasks in machine learning which require double precision floating points?

11 votes

Why do planets move at the wrong speed in my solar system model?

11 votes

Is the shooting method the only general numerical method for solving nonlinear boundary value ODEs?

11 votes

Is there a way to reduce aberration in computations of planets' trajectories?

11 votes

What are possible methods to solve compressible Euler equations

11 votes

Open-access journals in Computational Science

10 votes

Where can I find a good reference for the stability properties of several methods of solving parabolic PDEs?

10 votes

What is currently the "top" research in computational science?

10 votes

Numerical methods for discontinuous r.s. ODEs

10 votes

Which numerical methods preserve time reversal symmetry?

10 votes

10th-order Runge-Kutta Method

9 votes

How to code in Matlab: If an argument is empty, then default to "x" value?

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