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3 answers

Why do structured and unstructured discretizations give different errors?

It is necessary for me to solve a Poisson problem with a numerical method on a square domain with two types of triangular mesh: uniform triangular mesh (using uniform distribution nodes on square) and ...
Rosa's user avatar
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Mesh generator that can do 2D & 3D elements combined?

I'm trying to analyze a circuit card assembly (CCA). The biggest problem is always trying to mesh the thin copper layers along with the thicker epoxy layers between. I'm making the approximation that ...
drewd423's user avatar
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Online Poisson Solver

I'm wondering if anyone can point to a browser-based FEM (or other) 2D PDE solver for simple elliptic problems. It seem like there ought to be a javacript implementation that would allow for the ...
Bill Barth's user avatar
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Are serendipity elements still polynomially complete when the quadrilateral is skewed?

I have not implemented these elements before, but I like their reduced cardinality compared to (e.g.) a tensor product of Lagrange interpolants, which is very "overcomplete" (especially for orders>2) ...
rchilton1980's user avatar
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Orthonormalized Bernstein polynomials using Gram-Schmidt

I was wondering, before trying to do that myself, has anyone attempted to do orthonormalization of Bernstein polynomials using Gram-Schmidt? I discussed this with several people and have been told ...
Johntra Volta's user avatar
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Finite element accuracy on non-affine quadrilateral meshes

I have a simple finite element code (continuous Galerkin method, $Q_1$ tensor product spaces) for $-\Delta \psi = f$ on the unit square with essential boundary conditions. I want to claim that for any ...
user331493's user avatar
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Which way is the right way to compute the integrals in finite element methods?

Finite element methods involve integrals of functions that are not polynomials, and these integrals must be computed numerically. For example, suppose that $f$ is the right-hand side of a Poisson ...
shuhalo's user avatar
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How to create a good preconditioner for a system of linear equations that is created with FEM applied on the time harming Maxwell eqution?

I set out to solve the time harmonic Maxwell equation numerically which was discritzed using FEM and with the use of Nedelec elements as basis and test functions. The equation reads: $$ \nabla \times \...
CuteCompute's user avatar
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Solving PDEs in parallel

I have read different approaches on how to solve pdes in parallel which are discretized using finite element method. For example: Non-overlapping domain decomposition approach as mentioned in https://...
spyros's user avatar
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FEM shape functions on triangular elements: transition from 2D to 3D

I'm writing a code for solving PDEs through the finite element method. In particular, I'm facing with 3D problems, in which I don't know how to calculate shape functions derivatives on the boundaries (...
Federico Giai Pron's user avatar
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Advantages and disadvantages of space-time finite element methods

I have heard of space-time finite element methods. Although I was able to find some articles that describe the different possible methods from a mathematical point of view (thanks to Space-time finite ...
xuanphong's user avatar
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Recommended visualization tools for higher order finite element solutions?

Is there any software available which can directly render higher order finite element results? In particular, 3D finite elements would be preferable. It seems gmsh has some capability in this regard ...
Gavin Ridley's user avatar
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When should a geometric stiffness matrix for truss elements include axial terms?

Bathe's Finite Element Procedures shows the "nonlinear strain stiffness matrix" for a 2D truss element as $$ \frac {^tP} {L_0 + \Delta L} \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 0 & -1 & 0 \\ 0 &...
user1318499's user avatar
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scipy.sparse: Set row/column in sparse matrix to the identity without changing sparsity

I'm using the SciPy sparse.csr_matrix format for a finite element code. In applying the essential boundary conditions, I'm setting the desired value in the right ...
tonymac's user avatar
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boundary conditions for electrostatic problem

I'm solving an electrostatic problem governed by Laplace equation $$-\nabla \cdot (\rho^{-1} \nabla u) = 0$$ in the following domain: a brick ($\Omega_1$) with a cylindrical inclusion ($\Omega_2$), ...
martemyev's user avatar
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Existence of incomplete cholesky factorization

What is the current state of research on the existence of incomplete cholesky factorizations (in the context of preconditioning) for symmetric positive definite matrices? I wonder in particular ...
shuhalo's user avatar
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trilinear hex elements

Do the faces of tri-linear hex elements have to be planar? Three nodes define a plane. If the fourth node does not lie on the plane, then the nodes are not planar and the face is not plane. In general,...
NNN's user avatar
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Prescribe solution of a PDE at specific points

I am using MATLAB's PDE toolbox to solve the differential equation $-\nabla\cdot\left(c(x)\nabla u(x)\right) + a(x)u(x) = f(x)$ The particular problem in question is an electrostatic problem, but ...
Stuart Barth's user avatar
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How to implement adaptive mesh refinement using conformal triangles

I am trying to implement adaptive mesh refinement for a finite element code. The code uses (at least for now) linear triangles and so when I do the mesh refinement I want the triangular mesh to remain ...
James's user avatar
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Choice of spaces for mixed formulation for Poisson Equation Or Darcy equation

Consider the mixed formulation of the Poisson/Darcy system for a region $\Omega$: $\alpha \mathbf{v} + \nabla p = f \\ \mathrm{div}[\mathbf{v}] = 0 $ with the boundary conditions $\mathbf{v}\cdot ...
me10240's user avatar
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Finite element discretization of Reaction-diffusion problem with Dirac source term

I'm writing a code using continuous piecewise linear finite elements on triangular grids to solve the diffusion-reaction problem. the source function f is a Dirac mass at the center. How can i compute ...
Betelgeuse's user avatar
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What Linear Equation Solver should be used for a problem with many dirichlet conditions?

I am solving a laplace equation on a finite-element mesh (tetrahedral, triagonal) and have many say 99% dirichlet conditions compared to the number of unknowns. Is there an efficient way to solve this ...
Lukas Mosser's user avatar
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I'm having trouble debugging multigrid. What to do?

I've spent far too much time coding and debugging multigrid. While I clearly can't post all of my code as it would be silly to ask someone to go through all that code, is there anything I should pay ...
TheRealFakeNews's user avatar
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implicit vs. explicit domain decomposition methods

I've been working on a finite element code on unstructured methods, which I've parallelized using the Schur complement method. Here's a summary of how I did it: Assign each triangle of the mesh to a ...
Daniel Shapero's user avatar
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Mixed boundary conditions Finite Element Method

I have the following problem in Finite Element Method $$ -(\alpha u')' + \beta u' + \gamma u = f$$ with $ \Omega = (0, 1)$, $ u(0) = 0 $ and $ u'(1) = 3 $ to be able to write the weak formulation ...
BRabbit27's user avatar
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Why does the choice of basis functions change the approximate solution in FEM even when the same space is spanned?

Let's say we have the the weak form laplace problem Find $u$ $\in$ $H^1$ what satisfies \begin{equation} \int_\Omega \nabla u \cdot \nabla v \, d\Omega = \int_\Omega f v \, d\Omega \end{equation} ...
CuteCompute's user avatar
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Write incompressible Navier Stokes as ODE in $(\mathbf{u},p)$

Consider the Navier stokes equation after the discretization with conforming finite elements with source term $f=0$. We have the algebraic structure of a saddle point problem: $$M \dot{u} = f- Au -B^...
FEGirl's user avatar
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Preconditioner for the GMRES method in the Uzawa algorithm

I'm trying to solve \begin{equation}\left\{ \begin{split} \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}+(u\cdot\nabla)u-\nu\Delta u+\frac1\rho\nabla p&=f\;\;\;\text{in }\Lambda\\ u&=0\;\;\;\text{on }\partial\...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Stokes Equation in "two-fold saddle point" form?

Are there papers that deal with the (nondimensionalized) Stokes equation for incompressible fluid flow in a "doubly mixed" form like the following? \begin{align*} 0&=\underline{\epsilon} + \frac{...
fred's user avatar
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Simulate electric fields due to surface charges in simple circuits using python

I want to simulate the electric fields in simple circuits using Python and only free software. My first goal is to reproduce the images given in (1) which are made by the commercial ANSYS Maxwell ...
Julia's user avatar
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Method of Manufactured Solutions for non-differentiable coefficients

The Method of manufactured is commonly used for verification of computational science codes. I want to use the method for verification of Navier-Cauchy (elasticity) equations with periodic and Bloch-...
nicoguaro's user avatar
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Are additional penalty terms necessary to solve elliptic PDE's with DG-FEM?

After a cursory glance at several references to discontinuous galerkin finite element methods for the elliptic poisson PDE, i notice that all of them emphasize using penalty methods where an ...
Paul's user avatar
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Which finite-element framework allows the easy implementation of HDG methods?

I have tinkered around with the implementation of hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) methods in DUNE-PDELab and DUNE-FEM for my PhD but since then I have not had the time to work on these codes ...
Christian Waluga's user avatar
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Direct solvers and domain decomposition for FEM

In the finite element method, in order to use MPI, we need to decompose the domain into sub-domains first. Then my question is whether we can solve each sub-domain using a direct solver? Of course, ...
user2196452's user avatar
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Shell vs frame element model stiffness differences

I have a model of a tall, slender structure that I am investigating using both shell and $3D$ frame elements. The shell elements are type MITC4, $4$-node membrane elements. The frame elements are ...
Madeleine P. Vincent's user avatar
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How much measure theory should I know to understand the proofs in Brenner & Scott's FEM book?

I've been reading Larson and Bengzon's recent book on finite element methods, which has been good for getting an understanding of basic theory and computational procedures. The finite element book by ...
Geoff Oxberry's user avatar
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FEM: which is the correct way to impose Dirichlet B.C

I know the Neumann B.C. is implicit in FEM language. However, I have seen at least two ways to impose Dirichlet B.C. e.g. for the following problem 1D, $$\nabla^2 u + \nabla u= 0, u_{left}= 1, u_{...
lorniper's user avatar
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Implementing Explicit formulation of 1D wave equation in Matlab

So the theory is straightforward. We have: $$\frac{\partial^2U}{\partial t^2}=c^2 \frac{\partial^2U}{\partial x^2}$$ discretizing it gives: $$\frac{U(i+1,j)- 2U(i,j) + U(i-1,j)}{(\Delta t)^2} = c^2 \...
Shb's user avatar
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Solution oscillations with a small timestep in backward Euler

I am using backward Euler in a FEM scheme for a convection-diffusion problem. On a given mesh, I can take arbitrarily large time steps, as expected. But if I decrease time step, at some point it will ...
Dominik Lark's user avatar
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Analysis of nonlinear finite element methods

I have been doing a lot of reading on the development of finite element methods and their analysis using, e.g., functional analysis. I am clear on the formulation of the weak form of a PDE and ...
Wil's user avatar
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Approximate $\|\Delta f\|^2_{L^2(\Omega)}$ in finite element context

I have minimization problem of the form $$ G(f) + \|\Delta f\|^2_{L^2(\Omega)} \to \min $$ over all $f\in C^2(\Omega)$, $\Omega$ being closed and bounded. Let us forgot about $G$; I'm interested in ...
Nico Schlömer's user avatar
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Dirichlet boundary conditions in generalized eigenvalue problem

Let us consider a problem of the form $$(\mathcal{L} + k^2) u(\mathbf{x})=0\, ,\quad \forall \mathbf{x} \in \Omega$$ with Dirichlet boundary conditions $$u(\mathbf{x}) = 0, \quad \forall \mathbf{x} ...
nicoguaro's user avatar
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Boundary condtions on nonlinear FEM time integration

I'm using the finite element method to obtain the time response of a structure harmonically excited. I'm using a linear displacement function to obtain the stiffness matrix and the consistent mass ...
Thales's user avatar
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Using finite element error estimators for adaptive mesh refinement

I am in the process of implementing adaptive mesh refinement for a finite element code that solves the Poisson equation. I have had some trouble finding good references on deciding which elements to ...
James's user avatar
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What does symmetrize mean? (imposing multifreedom constraints to stiffness matrix)

I have a small FEM implementation program. And I want to add imposing multifreedom constraints (MFC) feature to it. The theory of master-slave method is given here (page 10 for general case). ...
danny_23's user avatar
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Prediction of sphere (i.e. roast) core temperature heated in an oven

The real-life problem Assume I put a spherical roast with initially constant temperature of start_temp=25 (°C) into an oven with ...
Dieter Menne's user avatar
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Non-conforming bi-linear finite element

The four-noded bi-linear rectangle element, which sometimes goes under the name Melosh element, is non-conforming unless the element sides are aligned. Out of curiosity I have implemented this element ...
Aage's user avatar
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Effect of subdomain topologies on overlapping additive Schwarz?

Is there a reference on the effect of subdomain topology on performance of the overlapping additive Schwarz method for (high order) finite elements? For example, taking subdomains to be vertex ...
Jesse Chan's user avatar
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How to get an "optimal point" for refinement in FEM adaptive mesh refinement?

Consider the following 1D problem \begin{align*} \begin{cases} \displaystyle -\frac{d^2u}{dx^2} = f(x), \hspace{0.5cm} x\in (a,b) \\[4mm] u(a) = u_{a}, \ \ u(b) = u_{b} \end{cases} \end{align*} I ...
Warren's user avatar
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About the condition $\ker(B_h) \subset \ker(B)$ in mixed finite elements formulation

I'm studying mixed finite elements. The problem is a classical saddle-point one: we seek for $(u,p)$ in $V \times Q$: $$A u + B^t p = f$$ $$Bu = g$$ where $A: V \rightarrow V', B:V \rightarrow Q'$ ...
FEGirl's user avatar
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