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Questions tagged [electromagnetism]

For questions about modeling phenomena related to electromagnetic fields.

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2 answers

Minimum number of elements (mesh size) for electromagnetic simulation

Does someone have a reference for the minimum number of elements (or maximum mesh size) for electromagnetic simulations where a mathematical or numerical explanation is given? I have found several ...
Ken Grimes's user avatar
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Parallel plate capacitor as simple superposition of Coulomb-fields

I am trying to calculate and visualize the electric field inside and outside of a parallel plate capacitor by assuming a uniform distribution of point charges on each plate and by adding up the ...
dp21's user avatar
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1 answer

MATLAB's ode45 not dealing with initial conditions well [RESOLVED]

*Concern highlighted in yellow *Solution at bottom I have a differential equation to solve for the motion of an electron: $$ \frac{d^2v}{dt^2} = \frac{1}{\gamma^6}\left( \frac{eE}{\tau m} - \left( \...
MurderOfCrows's user avatar
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Is there any method to incorporate minor changes into solved meshes to speed convergence in particle-in-cell solvers?

I'm trying to perform a $10^6$ timestep electrostatic particle-in-cell simulation on a rather large mesh, with very limited computational resources (a single GPU). Because of the large number of ...
0xDBFB7's user avatar
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FEniCS implementation of Maxwell equations for a dipole antenna

someone knows where I can find a FEniCS implementation of Maxwell equations for a dipole or other type of antenna? I mean a dipole antenna with an arbitrary geometry of every 'leg' in the dipole.
S. Feunmajer's user avatar
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Multipole expansion for magneticfield intesity (magnetization)

I'm using the Barnes Hut method to calculate the magnetic vector potential induced by an applied current. Given as: $\begin{equation} A(r) = \frac{\mu_0}{4\pi} \int_V\frac{\bf{J(r')}}{|r-r'|}dV(r') \...
Noveel's user avatar
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Electromagnetism FEM (FEniCS) interpolation - leakage effect

As for the background of what is going on: I'm using FEniCS that is dedicated FEM solver The problem I'm solving is magnetostatic problem where the governing PDE is $$ \bf{\nabla} \times \frac{1}{\mu}...
antagim's user avatar
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2 answers

Graphing electric potential of a ring of charge using MATLAB help

Here is a summary of what I am trying to do: Use MATLAB to compute the potential $V$ at any point $(x, y, z)$ in space due to a uniform ring of charge. Use a Riemann sum to compute the integral ...
Andrew's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Demagnetizing field using scalar potential method

I want to calculate the stray magnetic field from a ferromagnet using the scalar potential method (1). The problem consists of a ferromagnetic cuboid divided into small cuboidal cells in which the ...
Shishir's user avatar
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Simulating magnetic particles in a field free point generated by two opposing magnets

This is probably a long shot with such a short time, but I've been trying to get theoretical data for a project I'm working on. The project involves using a very simplified version of magnetic ...
sgehugh2's user avatar
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TMZ TME modes, clarification

I'm refering here to Taflove's "computational electrodynamcis, 3rd ed." He says Let us assume that the structure being modeled extends to infinity in the z-direction with no change in the shape ...
OD IUM's user avatar
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Open source multiphysics software that can model the interaction of two insulators with a user-specified electrical force law?

Given two solid bodies of masses $m_1$ and $m_2$ with invariable charge distributions $\rho_1(\mathbf{r_1})$ and $\rho_2(\mathbf{r_2})$ in them,* respectively, I would like to model the electrical ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Average value divergence in spectral method for Poisson equation

I'd like to know how to deal with a divergence when trying to solve the Poisson equation for electrostatics with a simple spectral method. I'm not sure how to best state my problem, so I'll explain ...
lnmaurer's user avatar
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Solving electrostatics Poisson equation with Intel MKL routines

I am trying to solve the 3D Poisson equation $$\nabla\cdot(\epsilon(\mathbf{r})\nabla) u(\mathbf{r}) = f(\mathbf{r})$$ I notice intel advertises routines that appear to solve $$\nabla^2u(\mathbf{r}...
DJames's user avatar
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Poincare map for Arnold-Beltrami-Childress Magnetic Field in Python

I want to plot the Poincare map for Arnold-Beltrami-Childress magnetic field for parameters $A=1, B=0.816, C=0.5773$ in Python for the Poincare section $z=0$. Also, I am not able to understand what ...
Nakul Aggarwal's user avatar
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Magnetization Vector from XY Model for an AntiFerromagnetic System

I am working on an XY model and I'm trying to calculate the magnetization and direction for an anti-ferromagnetic (AF) system. So I have a collection of spins in the $XY$ plane represented as vectors ...
Josh's user avatar
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Calculation of the EFIE integral

I need help computing the following integral: $$ \int_{}\frac{(1+jk|\vec{r}-\vec{r}^\prime|)e^{-jk|\vec{r}-\vec{r}^\prime|}}{|\vec{r}-\vec{r}^\prime|}d\vec{r}^\prime $$ in this integral $\vec{r}$ ...
hamed's user avatar
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Magnetostatic modelling Radia: Increasing distance between magnets a produces positive force until a certain point, beyond which force goes haywire

I have two sets of magnets. One set consists of two electromagnets (Shown below: Blue) and the other set consists of two NdFeB N40 permanent magnets. Both sets of magnets lie on the same plane. I want ...
James O'Farrell's user avatar
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Finite difference time domain and dynamic permittivity

Since the permittivity of any material is usually complex function of temperature, frequency, density, etc. I was wondering if it is possible to use a dynamic permittivity which changes as a function ...
OD IUM's user avatar
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Help understanding this numerical surface integration technique?

I'm attempting to write a FORTRAN program that calculates the magnetic field, B, at any point outside of a bar magnet. I'm going to use a first order euler scheme, where each side of the bar magnet ...
dtfd1998's user avatar
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How can I solve the wave equation for a circular rod in cylindrical coordinates using finite differences?

I have a problem with the stability of finite difference method for the wave equation in cylindrical coordinates. the equation is: $$ \frac{\partial^2 \omega_n}{\partial r^2}+\frac{1}{r}\frac{\...
alireza's user avatar
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2 answers

Nédélec Elements and Newton-Methods

If you want to develop numerical algorithms for variational inequalities, you often choose a Semismooth Newton Method. In many cases, this approach involves derivatives of $\max$ or $\min$ functions ...
Malte Winckler's user avatar
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Combine Hydrodynamics and Electromagnetics

Is it possible, in general, to combine hydrodynamical motion and expansion of material with, say, a finite difference time domain method to simulate light-matter interaction? If so, how is this done ...
OD IUM's user avatar
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Introducing EigenModes from 2D FEM into 3D FEM

This particular FEM question concerns waveguides and FEM 3D simulation. To excite a waveguide with waveport (TE10 and so on), we typically have to solve for eigenvalues ($k$) of helmholtz equation ...
Aakusti's user avatar
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Understanding Boundary Condition in FEM

I am trying to understand Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions in FEM and I wanted to know if my inference is correct. To articulate my understanding, lets consider a simple case of TE and TM ...
Aakusti's user avatar
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Band structure of nonlinear Schrodinger equation with one dimensional potential

I have a nonlinear Schrodinger equation which reads: $$ \frac{1}{2} \frac{d^2u}{dx^2}+ |u|^2u + V(x)u = -i \frac{du}{dz},$$ where $V(x)=\cos(wx)+ i a \sin(wx)$ and $w$, $a$ are numbers. How to ...
foi's user avatar
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Numerical scheme to solve Maxwell equations with fixed potential boundaries?

We have a 2D electromagnetic field (in the sense that: $E=(E_x,E_y,0)$, $B=(0,0,B_z)$, and all derivatives with respect to $z$ are $0$), and we are considering a system made up of two walls at $x=-b$ ...
Ben Stokes's user avatar
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How to force potential boundary conditions in the Yee scheme for solving Maxwell's equations?

Assume that we have a 2D electromagnetic field (in the sense that: $E=(E_x,E_y,0)$, $B=(0,0,B_z)$, and all derivatives with respect to $z$ are $0$), and that we are considering a system made up of two ...
Ben Stokes's user avatar
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2 answers

Rule of thumb for time-step for solving Maxwell's Equation using 3D-FDTD?

Is there something like a rule of thumb for an adequate time-step size when solving Maxwell's equation for the interaction of light with matter? I guess a single wave oscillation has to be resolved ...
OD IUM's user avatar
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How to deal with numerical errors in electrostatic field calculations

I want to trace electrostatic field lines emerging from 2D surfaces in 3D space. Eventually I want to find their intersection with an (uncharged) mesh. The charge distribution $\sigma(x), x \in \...
allo's user avatar
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What software packages are designed towards modelling the radiation from accelerated charges?

I'm interested in modeling the electromagnetic fields radiated from an accelerated charge, but do not want to reinvent stuff if possible. I suspect there are software packages already out there which ...
John McVirgooo's user avatar
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Can x-ray back-projection be converted to hard-field magnetic induction tomography?

This is a question about hard-field back-projection as used in x-ray tomography, applied magnetic induction tomography. Al-Zeibak and Saunders have shown that x-ray filtered backprojection can be ...
Brendan Darrer's user avatar
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Questions about implementing an electromagnetism/photonics solver package

I am hoping to start (very slowly) on implementing some form of a computational photonics/electromagnetism package. I know things like Meep, S4, FDTD++, EMPy, and a host of other proprietary/free/...
Chronum's user avatar
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Is this a proper implementation of point charge dynamics with ODEs

Since learning about point charges in my physics II class this semester, I want to be able to investigate not only the static force and field distributions but the actual trajectories of movement of ...
theideasmith's user avatar
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Edge and Nodal finite element methods in MATLAB for Magnetic induction tomography

What is the difference between edge finite elements and nodal finite elements? This for use in modeling the eddy current problem in classical electromagnetism. I am attempting to convert MATLAB code ...
Brendan Darrer's user avatar
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Finite difference method for coupled PDEs: optimizing performance (time step, iterations per step)

I'm solving coupled PDEs using finite difference method: Incompressible Navier-Stokes and the divergence-free induction equation (Maxwell's equations) with non-uniform electrical conductivity. The ...
Charles's user avatar
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Why FEM electric analysis gives only access to current density?

A Comsol study using frequency sweep on electric current physics yields only current density as accessible variables. I understand the underlying equation used is Ohm's law, i.e. $$\mathbf{J} = \...
AAI's user avatar
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How to apply Dirichlet boundary condition for lowest order Nedelec element over tetrahedral domain? [closed]

The Dirichlet boundary condition is $n \times \vec{E} = n \times \vec{g}$. I don't know how to calculate the boundary value. Any kind of help would be appreciated.
Ce Qin's user avatar
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Dielectric in an external electric field

I want to numerically solve for electric field of an object in an external electric field. The object has linear displacement field such that its permitivity ($\epsilon$) is constant. The object's ...
heaven-of-intensity's user avatar
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FEM or FD eigenvalue equation to get wave number instead of cutoff frequency

To get cutoff frequencies and eigenmode field distributions for a waveguide, one uses following equation: $$1/\epsilon ∇ \times 1/\mu ∇ \times E = \omega^2 E$$ With $ \omega^2 $ as eigenvalues. This ...
Kosha Misa's user avatar
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Suitable method for simulation of in-fiber interferometer

I am trying to simulate an optic-fiber sensor (in-fiber interferometer) to study its respond to temperature. The method I am using is finite-difference time-domain (FDTD), and I come out with a large ...
Wesley's user avatar
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Representing a 3D system in 2D (Electromagnetic modelling)

Ok so I'm a complete beginner in computational modelling (I use analytical methods of physics typically) but I would like to model an anisotropic, aperiodic (but not random) finite array of metallic ...
Tom's user avatar
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How to introduce a distance vector when decompose a force?

I read reference (1),but I am confused about how to introduce a distance vector in Lorentz force like the author does it in equation (11): $$\rm J\times B = -J\cdot \nabla \left( B\times r\right)+\...
samech's user avatar
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5 votes
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Simulate electric fields due to surface charges in simple circuits using python

I want to simulate the electric fields in simple circuits using Python and only free software. My first goal is to reproduce the images given in (1) which are made by the commercial ANSYS Maxwell ...
Julia's user avatar
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Data analysis of a magnetic hysteresis loop

I am a physics undergrad and I have MOKE data for a magnetic material (thin permalloy film on a silicon substrate). Here is one of the hysteresis loops I obtained, plotted using Python: The form of ...
user105842's user avatar
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Plot vector field in matlab

I have the function of an electric dipole expressed in cartesian coordinates and I want to create the vector field using Matlab . The function is $$E_z= \frac{p}{4\pi\epsilon_0} \cdot \left(\...
Athens's user avatar
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3 answers

Good introduction to numerical methods for magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)

I very recently started to read up about magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). While I have experience in the fluid part (both theory and numerics), my knowledge about the magneto part is very limited. At the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Calculating tangential electric field intensity on the boundary

I have an object with surface charge $\sigma$ for which I want to caclulate tangential electric field which would correspond to mathematical formulation: $$ \vec{E}(\vec{x}) = \nabla_x \int \frac{\...
Jānis Erdmanis's user avatar
2 votes
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I need to scale variables to solve a 2D PDE. What are the physical considerations of scaling?

I am solving a boundary value problem in 2D via an implicit finite difference scheme. Unfortunately, although the problem is well-posed and should have a unique solution, the condition number of the ...
jvriesem's user avatar
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Finite Difference Beam Propagation Method problem

I am trying to implement the finite difference beam propagation method to study the propagation of a TE light signal through a waveguide. However, my solutions are exponentially growing, and display ...
Kieran Cooney's user avatar