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2 answers

How to find out the difference between a structured and unstructured mesh using the file containing the mesh information?

I have two different mesh files (both are .inp files obtained from Abaqus) that represent the exact same geometries with the same boundary conditions, etc. The only difference is that one of them is ...
Dude's user avatar
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Correct approach for thermal finite element simulation of layered assembly

I would like to optimise the heat transfer on a PCB. Several dies are on the top and cooling air is going through the fins in heat sink on the bottom. The assembly consists of several layers like ...
Ken Grimes's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Solution method of nonlinear heat transfer analysis

The governing equation of transient heat transfer analysis is described as follows: $$C \frac{dT}{dt}+K T = Q$$ When using backward difference scheme for the discretization of the time we get the ...
vydesaster's user avatar
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Produce vertex displacements from volumetric shrinkage data on unstructured meshes

I was wondering what would be an efficient way to produce compatible displacements for mesh nodes/vertices if the computed data is volume shrinkage of each element/cell in the unstructured mesh? ...
Johntra Volta's user avatar
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Lumped matrices in thermal analysis using finite elements

The governing equation of the transient heat transfer problem is $$C \frac{dT}{dt}+K T = Q$$ $C$ is the heat capacity matrix. $K$ is the thermal conductivity matrix. $T$ is the temperature vector. $...
vydesaster's user avatar
4 votes
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Why wall shear stress calculated from LBM directly and the one calculated based on velocity profile are so different in some cases?

First of all, I hope you accept my apologizes if my question seems off topic here. But, I asked this question in ParaView forum and after a week still I did not receive any response yet, so I'm ...
Mithridates the Great's user avatar
6 votes
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Are there well-known methods for navigating on kd-trees?

When you have a mesh, there are many well-known methods to navigate it, as for example using a half-edge data structure, that allows easy circulation around faces and vertices. Are there similar ...
allo's user avatar
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2 answers

Simulating the heat equation with insulating material

My plan is to solve the heat equation in the right half portion of the domain, while having the left half completely isolated with constant temperature. To do so, I model the left half with a very low ...
balborian's user avatar
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2 answers

(FEM) 1D time-dependent heat equation convergence problem

I'm simulating a simple 3-node bar with convection BCs at the edges to validate my FEM code. The following data was used: Initial temperature = 25 ºC Temperature surrounding the rod = 10 ºC Thermal ...
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Heat diffusion - Is this the correct approach to include Newmann boundary conditions?

Thank you for looking at this problem. Is this the correct approach to include neumann boundary conditions? With this solution temperature is not correct, and there´s no diffusion. The model seems ...
M. A.'s user avatar
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1 answer

How I could calculate L2 norm of an unstructured grid?

I want to calculate L2 norm of a 3D unstructured grid to compare my simulation results in two different mesh sizes as coarse and fine. I read this answer and it seems in three-dimensional space, I ...
Mithridates the Great's user avatar
1 vote
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Python Finite Difference Schemes for 1D Heat Equation: How to express for loop using numpy expression

Hello all, I've recently been introduced to Python and Numpy, and am still a beginner in applying it for numerical methods. I've been performing simple 1D diffusion computations. I suppose my ...
Leonardo Parra García's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is there any open-source code for a hybrid 2D mesh (triangles and quadrilaterals)?

The question is pretty much the title. Note that I have lots of experience using open-source meshing tool, e.g. Gmsh and OpenFoam blockMesh & snappyHexMesh. Nevertheless, I have no idea on how to ...
KOF's user avatar
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1 answer

Libraries to deal with unstructured grids

I am dealing with a *.cgns file. This mesh format, when saved as an unstructured grid, holds nodes coordinates, nodes connectivity per element and boundary ...
LM_O's user avatar
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Modeling Diodes in Autodesk CFD

I'm extremely new to Autodesk CFD, and I'm working on a project that deals with diodes heating up and cooling down based on a fixed temperature regulated by a temperature switch. Basically, I have a ...
Aarthi Muthukumar's user avatar
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Combining fluid flow solver based on lattice Boltzmann method with a mechanical deformation solver based on finite element method

I'm thinking to couple my fluid flow solver based on lattice Boltzmann method with a mechanical deformation solver based on finite element method to take account for solid deformation in my models. In ...
GGG's user avatar
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1 answer

C++ library unstructured mesh writer to VTK format (or similar)

I am working on a 2D unstructured code in C++. I am using gmsh to generate a 2D unstructured mesh and reading it into my program with a library called ...
EssentialAnonymity's user avatar
2 votes
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Solve 3-D Heat equation with Neumann boundaries

I want to solve the Poisson PDE for heat flow in a 3-D solid cube with given dimensions $x$, $y$, and $z$: $$\rho C\frac{\partial T}{\partial t} = k \Delta T$$ The cube is irradiated with a constant ...
Phillip's user avatar
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Analytical testcase for 2D/3D anisotropic Diffusion (Heat Kernel)

I want to verify and compare different Discretizations of the anisotropic diffusion equation in 2D / 3D. In order to both test the timestepping and the spatial discretisations I had a look at using ...
mpichael's user avatar
8 votes
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Computing geodesic distances with diffusion

I am trying to solve an APSP (All-Pair Shortest Path) problem on a weighted graph. This graph is actually a 1, 2 or 3 dimensional grid, and the weights on each edge represent the distance between its ...
matthieu's user avatar
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Efficient initial identification of solid or liquid domains for a block structured Cartesian grid generation system

INTRO Within the last 5 days I was able to generate a block structured Cartesian grid generation system with a combination of Fortran,C++ and Python. I am running intersection tests of the ...
SYN's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Unstructured mesh vs hybrid structured/unstructured for numerical simulations

While answering one of the questions on meshing process, I encountered a lack of understanding on my end for the comparison of the mesh quality. First, consider an unstructured mesh created in GMSH ...
Anton Menshov's user avatar
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Solving the diffusion/heat equation for a randomly distributed set of points in 3D

In this problem I am trying to solve, I have a messy set of points distributed in 3D space, each with a defined temperature. If I would want to calculate the heat transfer scenario in this system, how ...
Vinícius Godim's user avatar
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Methods and tools to solve the two-temperature model (TTM)

I would like to model heat diffusion at the gold / water interface after excitation of the metal surface by an ultrafast laser pulse (ca. 80 fs). An appropriate model to start with would be the "two ...
François's user avatar
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Convert Unstructured Mesh to Structured

I have solved a simple problem on Openfoam, which is a 3D rectangular parallelopiped, filled with rectangular hexahedrons as mesh elements. The structured, mapped mesh was made in ICEM and solved in ...
Ayush Agrawal's user avatar
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Reconstruction of cells information when given mesh in polyMesh format [duplicate]

The polyMesh format used in OpenFOAM is an intelligent format for which 'cells' file, i.e. the file giving list of nodes that make a cell, is not needed. The way to reconstruct geometry data such as ...
Johntra Volta's user avatar
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BTCS-like method for heat conduction in unstructured triangular grid

I want to write a simple simulation for heat conduction in a unstructured triangular mesh. I already made it work for a structured rectangular grid with the ADI method, but now I need more complex ...
Hendrik410's user avatar
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2 answers

Halo Region Communication in Unstructured Mesh Problems

I'm currently using ParMETIS and it is required to determine the halo region of the local elements in a parallel unstructured mesh. Assume that the mesh is large and cannot be stored on a single ...
gpavanb's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Mesh ordering algorithms used by COMSOL Multiphysics

Ordering of elements in an unstructured mesh is undoubtedly very important for the performance of computations. For example, it determines the structure of sparse matrices arising from PDE ...
Jakub Klinkovský's user avatar
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simple and fast graph-clustering for paralelization of finite element simulations

I'm learning to use OpenCL to optimize some of my simulations. I realized that I need some sort of Graph-clustering or graph-partitioning to exploit efficiently local memory for un-ordered meshes. ...
Prokop Hapala's user avatar
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scalable parallel mesh/amr on unstructured grid

I am trying to code a scalable parallel AMR for unstructured grid. There seems to be three approaches for this a) Store some global grid info on each processor and partition with parmetis (The ...
danny's user avatar
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2 answers

V-cycle Multigrid for 2D transient heat transfer on a square plate using finite difference

I'm currently developing a program to solve 2D transient state heat conduction on a square plate using the V-cycle multigrid. Althought my program is able to reach the steady state solution, it's ...
Jeremy Lim's user avatar
6 votes
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Working with large mesh files

I am working on some medium to large scale finite element codes. By using established and available tools I am able to have an algorithm that scales well up to about 10,000 cores. Investigating ...
Reid.Atcheson's user avatar
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2D mesh generator with geometric primitives

The question is exactly as the title: Which 2D (triangular) mesh generator software can be used which has a set of geometric primitives, controlled mesh size and standard output (.vtk or something ...
VorKir's user avatar
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Finite volume a posteriori error estimation

I'm wondering what alternatives there are to a grid convergence study to judge solution accuracy for a given grid resolution when doing steady-state RANS simulations on an automatically generated ...
akid's user avatar
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Meshing software: connectivity between elements and boundary

I am implementing an algorithm which produces a 4d mesh for a cylinder with a given 3d base. This means, I have a 3d mesh and I want to generate a 4d mesh for the corresponding space-time cylinder. ...
VorKir's user avatar
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2 answers

Finite Difference Grid Spacing and Scaling

I have been exploring finite differences and heat transfer using the 2D heat equation to further expand my knowledge. So far I think it is going well. I am running into some confusion around grid ...
Bluebill's user avatar
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Heat equation with Neumann and Dirichlet conditions on same boundary

I am looking at numerical solutions to the heat equation with Dirichlet and Neumann conditions on the same boundary. That is $u(x,t)$ satisfying $$ u_t = u_{xx}\,, \quad x \in[0,1]\,, \quad t>0\,,...
Steve's user avatar
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Physical interpretation of L2 norm of heat equation solution

For the heat equation \begin{equation} u_t(t,x) = \nu u_{xx}(t,x) \end{equation} for $x \in [0,1]$ with boundary conditions $u(t,0) = u(t,1) = 0$ and initial value $u(0,x) = u_0(x)$ it is easy to ...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 answers

Getting adjacent cells map for an unstructured polyhedral mesh

I am doing a little project on solving the heat equation using finite-volume method on a solid cube, I converted the polyhedral mesh of the cube to an OpenFOAM mesh. I have a Python code where I ...
Algo's user avatar
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Common nodes in two FEM grids

There are two independent tetrahedral FEM grids. Second grid is subset of the first. By subset, I mean: nodes from the second grid are exactly in the same positions as some nodes from the first grid. ...
Krzysztof Bzowski's user avatar
16 votes
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Usefulness of elements with mesh-dependent stability

After doing some mathematics related to the stability of elements in 3D Stokes problem I was slightly shocked to realize that $P_2-P_1$ is not stable for an arbitrary tetrahedral mesh. More precisely, ...
knl's user avatar
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Choosing suitable polynomial degree based on information in advection stencil

I'm working on a finite volume advection scheme for unstructured meshes which uses a multidimensional polynomial weighted least squares fit for interpolating from cell centres onto faces. In 2D, the ...
hertzsprung's user avatar
5 votes
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unstructured grid AMR

Are there libraries for conducting parallel AMR on an unstructured grid ? For a finite volume code, polyhedral cells with arbitrarily shaped faces are as easy to handle as hexahedra, and infact ...
danny's user avatar
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Large meshing with tetgen [closed]

So I have a point cloud that I am creating a 3D flat rectangular surface from. I'm then turning it into a hollow box and connecting the corners by just dropping this surface mesh down. I need it to ...
fatalaccidents's user avatar
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Conceptual question about fitting of scattered data

What are the problems that arise when fitting (2D or 3D) a set of scattered data? (non uniformly distributed) I had some data I had to fit and I solved the problem using the ...
Rhei's user avatar
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Jacobian matrices on unstructured grids: underlying map?

Suppose I have an unstructured polygonal mesh system like so: Each node $x$ has Cartesian coordinates $(x_1,x_2)$, so for a given node can form matrices like this: $$ J(x,y,z) = \left(\begin{array}...
icurays1's user avatar
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3 answers

Parallel solver for sparse matrices on unstructured grids

I am trying to solve Euler equations on unstructured grids. Consequently, the problem reduces to solving Ax=b where A is a ...
Shibli's user avatar
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4 answers

Computing the derivative on a mesh

I have a 2-D mesh of triangles and I have a scalar function $f(x,y)$ defined at all the vertices of this mesh. I want to accurately estimate the values of $\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}$ and $\frac{\...
curiousexplorer's user avatar
1 vote
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Number of faces in a 3D multi-type unstructured grid

Given a 3D unstructured grid consisting of mixed types of shapes (hex, tet, ...), is there a method to know how many faces (including boundary faces) are contained in the grid?
Shibli's user avatar
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